Emigrate to Costa Rica to become a ‘Pinball Wizard’ like Richard Blank. On Another Track Podcast. David Wilson is "On Another Track". It's been the story of my life and many other people that I have met. That is the motivation behind this podcast series. I want to take you on a journey, exploring people and places from around the world. I'll take you to places you have never been and to places where you might not want to go! My Dream. Welcome to the 66th episode of my podcast series that shines a light on how people have changed their lives and what was involved in getting themselves On Another Track! When you first meet Richard you are blown away by his clarity and amazing energy. Having been involved in call centres since the age of 27, what Richard doesn’t know about empathy and having a downright good time in the workplace, is not worth knowing. Don’t get me wrong, he’s no pushover as he competes with the likes of Amazon but at the same time he manages to keep 150 local people employed in this Caribbean paradise. David Wilson shines a light on how people have changed up their lives and what was involved in getting themselves On Another Track! I want to leave a legacy not only for today but for people searching for a future to life, the universe and all that! Sounds big? It is but guess what? There are so many people out there have great stories and advice. Are they willing to share it with the world? Let's find out, lets get "On Another Track!" https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #Appointmentsetting #onanothertrack On Another Track Podcast, Richard Blank,Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing, BPO, Nearshore, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership,Marketing, Radio, Guest, Money, education, trainer Emigrate to Costa Rica to become a ‘Pinball Wizard’ like Richard Blank. On Another Track Podcast. https://youtu.be/WsS6kIf_Oh4
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